I’ve hosted 2 clusters one with TLS with LoadBalancer, External DNS(Route53) as per autonomous operator 1.2* and another with only NodePorts, but the only problem is with connection between hosted couchbase database and my local node.js application for dev & testing over internet ( i know we can container-ize the code and run as a pod in the same cluster) but for development purpose we want to access the couchbase over internet
Cluster with TLS, Route53 (External DNS)
- Able to access admin interface running on different as per service, able to create cluster and all other configurations
- Unable to connect with domain name, i’ve tried with loadbalancer DNS name but of no use, tried to use NodePort for admin still no luck
Cluster with out LB, ExternalDNS only NodePort exposed service
- open few ports (AWS security group) on hosted minion node and able to access admin ui, etc…,
- Node.js error info
And i’ve verified admin port using telnet which working fine and accepting connection request, so that i can ensure that ip and port was reachable
I’m facing different types of error few with generic, timeout, TCP DNS/Hostname unresolved, i don’t know whether the problem is with connection string or hosted cb server, i’ve verified docs multiple times and configured in several ways