Unable to download Couchbase server in my MAc


I am trying to download the couchbase server ENTERPRISE VERSION 4.5
from the couchbase site in to my MAC, but after selecting the operating system “Mac OSX (Sierra Not Supported)” and clicking on Download button , it is taking me to page bottom and showing the below message. Not sure where to give the valid email as per the message. Can you please help me.

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The first time you download Enterprise Edition, you should see a screen that looks like this:

You need to fill in all the information with valid values. Did you see this come up?


After clicking on the Download button I am getting the below page . I am not getting the page you have mentioned above.

Please let me know if you need more details.


That’s strange. It looks like only part of the overlay is rendering. What web browser are you using?

Sorry I don’t have an answer for you right now. Can you try a different browser?