I am using the java client: couchbase-client-1.0.3.jar
Using com.couchbase.client.CouchbaseClient I am creating the connection to the Couchbase Server. When I put and get a value within the same connection, I am able to retrieve the value from the Couchbase Server, but from a different connection I am unable to get the value.
I am using asyncGet.
final Future ascGetFuture = getCouchbaseClient().asyncGet(key);
Cacheable cachedObj = null;
try {
cachedObj = (Cacheable) ascGetFuture.get(DEFAULT_GET_TIME_TIMEOUT, TimeUnit.MINUTES);
} catch (TimeoutException e) {…}
CouchbaseClient1 --> Puts a Key/Value : TestKey/TestValue
CouchbaseClient2 --> Tries to get the value for key: TestKey
Please help.