I think restarting it helps. Given that the server’s memory graph shows a sawtooth pattern and last time it dropped was when I restarted the container. I’ll do this at a more convenient time and possibly upgrade to 4.5.1.
There are 3 memory leak fixes in 4.5.1, that might help. If you are by any chance upgrading before then, let me know if it resolves the issue.
Apologies for the late reply, but yes, it was resolved.
We found that the VM on which couchbase server was installed had some problems. Weird, right ? We also didn’t think of it, because we tried everything:
-upgraded the couchbase server to latest version
-reinstalled it many a times
-kept only one bucket with 8GB RAM
nothing worked. Only option was to install it in a different machine. And voila! it worked, that too with minimal requirements.