I have been syncing Sync Gateway with a CouchDB database. Replication seems to works fine in 1.1.0 in both directions but continuous from Sync Gateway to couch to CouchDB fails. It looks like a get with feed=continuous doesn’t behave as expected:
If I use curl to get _changes since 24 it works and I get three revisions
curl https://username:password@mydomain.com/sync_gateway/_changes?since=24
But if I ask for continuous _changes I get an open connection with no content and then a timeout
https://username:password@mydomain.com/sync_gateway/_changes?feed=continuous&style=all_docs&since=24&heartbeat=10000" failed due to error {error,req_timedout}
Am I missing something? Does a _changes request with feed=continuous need extra configuration that CouchDB is not providing?