We are using spring-data-couchbase framework for integration of our application with Couchbase Capella and getting the following error from the log while starting the application:
[com.couchbase.endpoint][EndpointConnectionFailedEvent][1024us] Connect attempt 4 failed because of UnknownHostException: [cb.gqfypprux6vrjwqm.cloud.couchbase.com](http://cb.gqfypprux6vrjwqm.cloud.couchbase.com){"circuitBreaker":"DISABLED","coreId":"0xf3f7b83e00000001","remote":"[cb.gqfypprux6vrjwqm.cloud.couchbase.com:8091](http://cb.gqfypprux6vrjwqm.cloud.couchbase.com:8091)","type":"MANAGER"}
The connection url is obtained from the Capella web console and the IP is already added in the “Allowed IP list”.
It will be great if you could help us for quick resolution of the issue.
UnknownHostException is a symptom of attempting to connect to Capella without using TLS. We’re working on throwing a better exception that actually indicates what the problem is – tracking as JCBC-1928.
This StackOverflow post describes how to enable TLS with Spring Data Couchbase. Does that help?
While that will work if no environment is set on the clusterOptions, spring-data-couchbase provides a default environment, thus the solution to set enableTls and trustCertificate on that environment.
When I test this in my environment, it times out accessing the KV SSL port - which is expected:
2022-03-15 11:45:40,084 WARN com.couchbase.endpoint: 567 - [com.couchbase.endpoint][EndpointConnectionFailedEvent][10s] Connect attempt 1 failed because of TimeoutException: Did not observe any item or terminal signal within 10000ms in ‘source(MonoDefer)’ (and no fallback has been configured) {“circuitBreaker”:“DISABLED”,“coreId”:“0x2ccea4b800000003”,“remote”:“lkvya1cmvtjajvj3.gqfypprux6vrjwqm.cloud.couchbase.com:11207”,“type”:“KV”}