I made sure that I am not using ForestDB or encryption. Following the documentation, the database should update automatically and be ready to use again. On my test device, the app crashes showing the two errors. After opening it again, the database seems to be entirely deleted. How can I maintain data saved to the 1.4 database in 2.0.1?
2018-08-29 10:58:49.991063+0200 Lengo[3143:1631360] CouchbaseLite Info: Upgrader upgrading db </var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/8795402F-5CCB-4DE5-8D6B-B9CA098B68D0/Library/Application Support/CouchbaseLite/app-data.cblite2/>; creating new db at </var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/8795402F-5CCB-4DE5-8D6B-B9CA098B68D0/Library/Application Support/CouchbaseLite/app-data.cblite2_TEMP/>
Hmm. Are you opening multiple Database instances on the same file at startup time, perhaps? (If you could provide the entire log, that would be great. Either pasted into a gist, or you can email it to me directly, jens at couchbase dot com.)
I don’t think I open multiple Database instances at the same file. Things are pretty much as described in the documentation, just that I have some things in didFinishLaunchingWithOptions instead of a ViewController. But that doesn’t correlate with the issue I guess. Nevertheless, I’ve emailed you the entire log.