I’m trying to see if this type of query is possible or not.
Update bucket bucket1 set total_comments = (select count(*) as total from bucket bucket2 where type='comment' and target_id = bucket1.id).
It does not work as expected
It looks like referencing bucket1 in the subquery is not supported.
Is this even possible?
Try the following:
Update bucket bucket1 set total_comments = (select raw count(*) as total from bucket bucket2 where type='comment' and target_id = bucket1.id)[0];
Thank you geraldss
I get "Error evaluating SET clause - cause: FROM in correlated sub query must have USE KEYS clause: FROM bucket"
Ok, getting closer. Please try the following:
CREATE INDEX idx_target ON mybucket(target_id);
UPDATE mybucket AS target
SET total_comments = (
FROM mybucket AS target2 USE KEYS META(target).id
JOIN mybucket AS mycomments ON KEY mycomments.target_id FOR target2
WHERE mycomments.type='comment'
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