Upgrade from 3.1.1 to 5.1.1 version

Hi ,

I have 3.1.1 cluster setup on my linux machine i want to upgrade to 5.1.1 .
What approach should i take ? Is it necessary to upgrade to 4.1.1 then to 5.1.1 ?

Hi @kulsam, Upgrade | Couchbase Docs has all the information you are looking for. Yes, you need to first upgrade from 3.1.1 to 4.x (it can be 4.0 or 4.5 or 4.6.5) and then upgrade to 5.1.1.

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Thanks a lot raju.

One more question, can i install 5.1 cluster and then restore backup from 3.1 version using cbbackup and cbrestore utility ?
As of now when i try to restore my backup to 5.1 version i face
exception reading backup file : no such column : conf_res

Hi Kulsam,
Thanks for using our Couchbase Server.
To be able to restore data to cluster 5.x.x version, backup data must backup from 4.x.x.
In your case, your cluster is 3.1 version. You need to upgrade y0ur cluster to 4.x.x version.
Once your cluster is in 4.x.x version, there are 2 options to bring data back to 5.x.x cluster:

  1. One is upgrade your cluster directly to 5.1.1 (or latest one 5.5.0) from 4.x.x
  2. Take backup data from 4.x.x cluster. Install new 5.x.x cluster and restore data back to 5.x.x cluster.

Thanks a lot thuan !! :slight_smile:

Hi @kulsam ave you completed this with option 1 or option 2?

@thuan I have a same scenario in which i am planning for an offline upgrade from 4.5 to 5.1.
I am planning for option 2 as mentioned by @thuan
But when I go through the documentation I could see a version compatibility matrix at

According to this matrix you cannot take a backup from 4.5 cluster and do a restore in 5.1 cluster using
cbbackupmgr Tool.

Is there any other way to do an offline upgrade by backing up from 4.5 cluster and restoring to 5.1 cluster?