Due to cbbackup/cbrestore trouble in the version 501, I’m trying to upgrade my server CE 501 to CE 511, firstly on my windows 10, as a test platform, before doing it on my windows server 2016.
I stopped the couchbase service and sync gateway service too.
I lauched the installation using the file couchbase-server-community_5.1.1-windows_amd64.msi, I let the default location folder, and during the copying files step, I have a Rollback due to an error, without more information.
To upgrade from 5.0.1 to 5.1.1 on Windows 10 or any Windows platform, you need at least 2 Windows desktops (or servers) to do that.
Here are steps to upgrade using 2 Windows desktops (or servers) A and B:
Assume that Couchbase Server CE (community edition) version 5.0.1 was installed on Windows A with buckets and indexes created
Install Couchbase Server CE on Windows B
In UI of Couchbase Server of Windows A, add IP or hostname of Windows B to cluster A in “add node” session.
In UI of Windows A, click “Rebalance” button to add Windows B to A.
When rebalance is finished, click on row showing IP of Windows A and click “Remove” button.
Then click “Rebalance” to remove Windows A out of cluster. When rebalance is done, you will have a cluster with new version 5.1.1 with all buckets in its. If you have indexes, you need to create indexes and build them again.
Hopefully this instruction will help you to upgrade Couchbase Server to 5.1.1
If you have any question, drop me a line at thuan @ couchbase . com
If I understood well, in point 2 I install a new couchbase server v5.1.1 on Windows B, so at the end after Rebalance, I will have a working server in Windows B, and a useless server in windows A (Always in version 5.0.1), isn’t it ?
If I understood well again, how to have a working server 5.1.1 on windows A ? Do I have to uninstall the version 5.0.1 from windows A to be able to install a 5.1.1 version ?
About the rollback issue I had when I tried to upgrade the server, do you think it’s because of the node existence, even when you stop the service “couchbase server” ?
Hi Steeve,
At step 6 above, if you want working server A with version 5.1.1, you need to
Fresh install Couchbase Server CE on Windows A (after uninstall old version 5.0.1 and delete all files and folder relate to old version in c:\Program Files\Couchbase\Server).
Then you could add Windows A (with new Couchbase Server 5.1.1) back to Windows B (already in 5.1.1) and rebalance.
After rebalance is done, you could remove Window B out of cluster and you will have a working Windows A with new version 5.1.1.
About the roll back issue, I will check this issue soon.