Upsert Document with a generic json field

Using spring-data-couchbase I want to define a document with a field settings with generic JSON. To do this, I create a class

public class SampleDoc {
  protected String id;

  private JsonNode settings;

When I try to persist below JSON object to this document instance

  "someField" : "someData"

It is persisted in the CouchBase as

"settings": {
    "_children": {
      "someField": {
        "type": "com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.TextNode",
        "_value": "someData"
    "type": "com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode",
    "_nodeFactory": {
      "_cfgBigDecimalExact": false

And when I try to get the document from database through CouchbaseRepository.findById it returns error :

Servlet.service() for servlet [dispatcherServlet] in context with path [] threw exception [Request processing failed; nested exception is Failed to instantiate com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode using constructor NO_CONSTRUCTOR with arguments ] with root cause

How could I persist a generic JSON object to Couchbase and assure it to be stored as a simple JSON like :

  //other fields
  "settings" : {
    "someField" : "someData"
  //other fields

Thank you

You can define the following converters to convert a JsonNode to/from a CouchbaseDocument and register their INSTANCE as CouchbaseCustomConversions. If you would like this converter provided in spring-data-couchbase, please open an issue at Issues · spring-projects/spring-data-couchbase · GitHub

public enum JsonNodeToMap implements Converter<JsonNode, CouchbaseDocument> {

	public CouchbaseDocument convert(JsonNode source) {
		if( source == null ){
			return null;
		return new CouchbaseDocument().setContent(JsonObject.fromJson(source.toString()));

public enum MapToJsonNode implements Converter<CouchbaseDocument, JsonNode> {
	static ObjectMapper mapper= new ObjectMapper();
	public JsonNode convert(CouchbaseDocument source) {
		if( source == null ){
			return null;
		return mapper.valueToTree(source.export());