Hello everyone,
I have an issue when updating a document in couchbase with error:
"Upsert document with version value failed: null; nested exception is com.couchbase.client.java.error.DocumentAlreadyExistsException
My classe is verry simple, contains
public abstract class BaseEntity {
private String id;
private String type;
private String primaryKey;
@Version long version
// getter + setter
MyRepository extends CouchbasePagingAndSortingRepository
Th Id is calculated from other fields,
here is the principal librairies used in my project:
spring-boot-starter-data-couchbase : 2.0.5-RELEASE
spring-data-couchbase: 3.0.10.RELEASE
java-client: 2.5.9
Any help please ?
Hi @karimm.khalid,
Is your application logging this “Upsert document with version value failed:”?, The version field would be automatically populated when the operation is successful, does a document with the same id already exist on the server?
Hi @subhashni
Thanks for replay, I have resolve this issue.
The problem was the version is never stored with the document,( saved correctly in couchbase) but when I retried the same document by invoking a findById method (spring data) I can see the version (random long value), during the update (with mapstruct) I didn’t make a merge to set up the same version, and a new version was created for the same document (old version ixist), that’s why I have this exception: DocumentAlreadyExistsException
Thanks again
@karimm.khalid, i am also ran into same problem. Could you please elaborate your finding ?
i am new to couchbase and want to know how @version works in spring data couchbase.