I’m using CouchbaseNetClient to connect to local instance and everything works pretty well with the next code.
serviceCollection.AddCouchbase(client =>
client.Servers = new List { new Uri(“my local url”) };
client.Username = “admin”;
client.Password = “password”;
client.UseSsl = false;
client.ConfigurationProviders = ServerConfigurationProviders.HttpStreaming;
public MemcachedService(IMemcachedConfiguration configuration, IBucketProvider bucketProvider)
this.bucketProvider = bucketProvider;
bucket = bucketProvider.GetBucket(“bucket-name”);
But when I try to put this code to AWS I face with terminology issues. ElastiCache Memcached doesn’t have buckets and doesn’t use username/password. AWS ElastiCache Memcached operates with clusters and configuration endpoints:
Cluster: my-cluster-name
Configuration Endpoint:my-cluster-name.zxcvbnm.use2.cache.amazonaws.com:11211
Also there are some nodes and node endpoints that looks like: my-cluster-name.zxcvbnm.0001.use2.cache.amazonaws.com:11211
Passing configuration endpoint value to Servers during initialization and and cluster name as bucket name doesn’t work (I’m getting a timeout) so I think that I’m passing wrong values as server or bucket. Is there any working example of accessing ElastiCache Memcached using CouchbaseNetClient?