Very slow index creation

Hi gays!
I have a problem, new index creation very very slow!
For example: CREATE PRIMARY INDEX metrica_primary ON test.metrica.metrica; = time 1h
ENV: PRETTY_NAME=“Oracle Linux Server 8.7” couchbase-server-community-7.0.2-6703.x86_64
Cluster have 3 nodes. and 26 buckets.
Resources: 4 cpu / 8Gb ram peer node.

Error in log:

2023-02-09T14:00:39.772+03:00 [Warn] DDLServiceMgr:rebalanceDone: cannot connect to node
2023-02-09T14:00:39.772+03:00 [Error] DDLServiceMgr:rebalanceDone(): Failed to initialize metadata provider.  Error=DDLServiceMgr:rebalanceDone: Failed to initialize metadata provider.  Unable to connect to all indexer nodes within 30 seconds..
2023-02-09T14:10:49.925+03:00 [Error] PeerPipe.doRecieve() : ecounter error when received mesasage from Peer192.168.0.2:9100.  Error = read tcp> use of closed network connection. Kill Pipe.
2023-02-09T14:10:49.926+03:00 [Error] PeerPipe.doRecieve() : ecounter error when received mesasage from Peer  Error = EOF. Kill Pipe.

But network is OK and no problem with network.

Hi @usa84i ,

The error messages you have pasted does not mean index build can be slow. What is the memory quota you have allocated for index service. Also, can you check the resident ratio of the index.


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