Warning: Cannot communicate with indexer process. Information on indexes may be stale. Will retry


I just setup a 3 node Couchbase (Community edition, 4.5.0-2601) cluster running on Ubuntu on Azure.
But I am seeing this error on the “Indexes” tab of the Admin Console:

Warning: Cannot communicate with indexer process. Information on indexes may be stale. Will retry.

Further, for any query I execute from console, I get the following response:

    "code": 4000,
    "msg": "Primary index beer_primary not online.",
    "query_from_user": "select * from `beer-sample`"

This is the first time I am trying out Couchbase and completely lost at this point on how to move forward.
I would really appreciate your help.

@munjalpatel, Looks like the indexer process is down or unable to bootstrap. Can you check for possible errors in indexer.log under /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/logs?

You can also check if the ports mentioned here are not blocked by firewall:

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