Hello, everyone.
I’m using couchbase java sdk 2.3.2 and meeting with a problem.
My code is like this:
List<Transcoder<? extends Document,?>> transcoders = new ArrayList<Transcoder<? extends Document, ?>>();
transcoders.add(new RawTranscoder());
//customize the connection to the Cluster
cluster = CouchbaseCluster.create(StringUtils.join(ipList.toArray(), ','));
bucket = cluster.openBucket(dbName,dbPasswd,transcoders,60,TimeUnit.SECONDS);
There’s a parameter timeout in openBucket. I know there’s a class named CouchbaseEnvironment or DefaultCouchbaseEnvironment, which contains several kinds of timeouts.
I’m wondering whether there’s relation between openBucket’s timeout and DefaultCouchbaseEnvironment timeouts. Now I want to customize openBucket’s timeout after giving a default value , how should I do it ?
Thank you.