What's the status of .NET Core support?

I would like to start using Couchbase from a .NET Core application.

Is .NET Core support on the roadmap and is there an ETA? I’ve seen this branch, but it hasn’t been updated in months.


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@markvincze -

The timeline for .NET core support is after v2.3.0 and Couchbase Server 4.5 are released later this Spring. We’ll have a branch up in Gerrit soon and here is the ticket for tracking.

The branch on github is a PR from a community member and while it’s a great start, has many issues. I would consider it a POC. Another community member, @btburnett3 has done some work on a fork (IIRC) and we will likely branch from there…if not will start from scratch.

Thanks for the interest and if you would like to contribute, LMK and I’ll help in any way that I can.


Hi @jmorris,

Thanks for the quick reply!
Just to make sure I understand correctly: version 2.3.0 is planned to be released later this spring, and work on Core support will start after that. So when do you think the release of the Core support can be expected, around this summer?


@markvincze -

Yes, that would be the likely scenario.


+1 that - Keen to Dev with .Net core!

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Hey @jmorris,

Is there any update related to the status of this?



I think I can help answer that question for @jmorris. It’s definitely something we’re working hard to get up and running. We’ve made a number of significant internal changes to the SDK over the last couple of months to make it compatible with .Net Core.

Unfortunately, there are a lot of changes involved. In particular, there are a lot of places where the synchronous APIs have been discarded by Microsoft, so we need to refactor to use asynchronous API calls instead. Additionally, some of the dependencies, such as Common.Logging, haven’t been fully updated with .Net Core support yet. So we have to either remove these dependencies or wait for them to be updated.

You can see some of the progress here: Loading.... There certainly might be more subtasks added to this, we keep finding new issues as we progress. However, overall I think we’re definitely making headway.


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Hi @btburnett3,

Thanks for the info and the link! I’ll continue tracking the status on that issue (I see that you guys have tackled many subtasks already ;)).
Btw is this work going on on master or in a feature-branch?



The work so far has been on master, and a lot of it is actually in the latest release of the SDK. For example, the new configuration system (using Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration to read JSON or other formats) is actually supported in the latest SDK. You just have to use it within .Net 4.5, it can’t run in .Net Core yet.

My hope is that we won’t need a feature branch, and we’ll be able to dual compile the SDK and include both versions in the Nuget. So far that plan seems to be holding, but we’ll see how well it works when we get down to it.



+1 subscribe

need to add more text

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Hi Folks -

There is now a developer preview for .NET Core: NuGet Gallery | CouchbaseNetClient 2.4.0-dp1

A big thanks to @btburnett3 and everyone else who contributed!



I am having issues with this preview from NuGet. Doesn’t seem like it can be resolved?


Can you provide more details about the problem you are seeing?



One thought just occurred to me. This may not be your problem, but did you enable prerelease packages in Nuget? .Net Core support is still in developer preview, so it’s found in version 2.4.0-dp2.


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Hi everyone, any updates on this? Do you have some idea of when this will be leaving the pre-release stage?

@AresDev -

Its planned for GA in January in the 2.4.0 SDK release. Right now we are working on testing infrastructure; once that is done and we can test it and it passes, then we’ll do the release.


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Great news! thank you!

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