My scenario is as follows.
I have an ArrayObject. [{key, A}, {key, C}, {key, E}}
Im trying to find the correct position to insert {key, B}
So I loop thru the ArrayObjects. Once I find the correct position, I break the loop and call the ArrayObject’s insertDictionary(dict, index) method.
I noticed, when I do that, the result becomes something like [{key, A}, {key, B}, {key, A}, {key, E}}
The item right after the inserted gets updated to be the item before.
I found that, if I dont break my loop and I actually loop thru all the items in the ArrayObject, that will fix the problem.
It seems like without looping the entire collection once, the insert method will cause a duplication/update issue.
This is CouchbaseLite-Swift 2.7.0