When restarting the system getting error message as no primary index on keyspace.
And when trying to delete the index getting the error message: Indexer not implemented using gsi may not be enabled.
Please suggest .
When restarting the system getting error message as no primary index on keyspace.
And when trying to delete the index getting the error message: Indexer not implemented using gsi may not be enabled.
Please suggest .
See the logs (query.log) for error messages during the restart.
Getting below issue but when re-installed also getting same issue.
root@goutham:/opt/couchbase# tail -f var/lib/couchbase/logs/query.log
2016-09-26T18:55:11.472+05:30 [Error] GetSettingsConfig() failed: Get CBAuth database is stale. Was never updated yet.
_time=2016-09-26T18:55:11.545+05:30 _level=ERROR _msg=Unable to initialize cbauth. Error CBAuth database is stale. Was never updated yet.
_time=2016-09-26T18:55:11.545+05:30 _level=WARN _msg=Unable to parse url
_time=2016-09-26T18:55:11.545+05:30 _level=WARN _msg=Unable to initialize cbAuth, access to couchbase buckets may be restricted
_time=2016-09-26T18:55:12.088+05:30 _level=INFO _msg=New store created with url
_time=2016-09-26T18:55:12.106+05:30 _level=INFO _msg=pollEOF: About to start stdin polling
_time=2016-09-26T18:55:12.149+05:30 _level=ERROR _msg=Could not connect to configstore error=Error connecting to - cause: CBAuth database is stale. Was never updated yet.
_time=2016-09-26T18:55:12.151+05:30 _level=INFO _msg=cbq-engine started datastore= max-concurrency=4 loglevel=INFO servicers=16 plus-servicers=64 version=1.5.0 pipeline-cap=512 pipeline-batch=16 request-cap=1024 request-size-cap=67108864 timeout=0
_time=2016-09-26T18:55:12.186+05:30 _level=INFO _msg=HttpEndpoint: Listen Address=[::]:8093
_time=2016-09-26T18:55:12.460+05:30 _level=INFO _msg=HttpEndpoint: ListenTLS Address=[::]:18093