You need to connect your query engine to your Couchbase server. After that, you can use the cbq command-line shell to issue queries. Here are the instructions from
Step 1. Expand the package archive
Step 2. Run ./ (On Windows start_tutorial.bat)
Step 3. Open http://localhost:8093/tutorial in your browser
To connect to a Couchbase Server ./cbq-engine -couchbase http://–couchbase-server-name–:8091/
I tried your code ./cbq-engine -couchbase http://–couchbase-server-name–:8091/ but putting it into the web page that I got when opening the start tutorial.bat , but I got error, I tried put my server link in the start tutorial instead of the local host link, but that didn’t work. could you tell me please where should I put the cbq command? plus the server has a username and a password, where should I put them. thanks for the efforts
Unfortunately, it only works with empty buckets. If you try to query a bucket with a single document, it returns an error and you cannot even query buckets without password