Hi all,
reading the XDCR documentation it seems possible to create only a single replication from the A bucket to the B bucket. Any other replication that specifies the same buckets is not permitted.
I need to replicate from a single source collection in the A bucket to different target collections in the B bucket.
Is this possible? If yes, how can I achieve it?
With XDCR with Scopes and Collections …
And XDCR Advanced filtering.
Thanks for the fast response!
From the documentation I didn’t undrestand how to make the XDCR work like this:
bucketA._default._defualt —> bucketB.scope1.colleciont1 (with filter)
bucketA._default._defualt —> bucketB.scope1.collection2 (with another filter)
since I need to move any document in the default scope and collection, in other scopes and collections based on different filters.
Do you have any example of setting this kind of replica?
Many thanks for the support!
I’m trying the Eventing Function to copy documents from default collection to the right collection.
Is this the only solution to the problem?
I guess this is not achievable without an Eventing Function.
July 14, 2023, 11:05am
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